John Renwick

Oscar Acosta

Oscar Acosta - Argentina

I use RAMM fencing on my property. Strong, safe, little to no maintenance and will even keep stallions in their paddock. Cost is about the same as putting up a wood fence and in then there is no painting or anything like that.

Also if the horses run into it they basically just bounce off. It will not brack like wood fencing. I have seen horses run through wood fence or hit it and it give way or bracks and the horse get jabed by the splinters of wood. They can also chew on wood which they can not easily do with the RAMM fencing. Over all I have had this type of fencing on my property for about 10 years now and have never had a horse get out or hurt from it.

Also put hot wire on the inside of each fence line.

Keep in mind that the best fence is the one that horse never touches.
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